Reports to the governor, cabinet and the legislature
Executive (EXC) CHAPTER 18, ARTICLE 41
* § 904. Reports to the governor, cabinet and the legislature. The
office shall hereafter make an annual report, to be received on or
before January first, to the governor, the cabinet and the legislature
concerning the assistance activities undertaken by the office,
recommendations for legislative proposals, data concerning program
activities in distressed urban areas and other pertinent information as
may be required.
* NB Expired March 31, 1985
office shall hereafter make an annual report, to be received on or
before January first, to the governor, the cabinet and the legislature
concerning the assistance activities undertaken by the office,
recommendations for legislative proposals, data concerning program
activities in distressed urban areas and other pertinent information as
may be required.
* NB Expired March 31, 1985