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Temporary statewide health advisory board
Executive (EXC) CHAPTER 18, ARTICLE 45-A
* § 957. Temporary statewide health advisory board. 1. There is hereby
created in the executive department a temporary statewide health
advisory board, hereafter referred to in this section as the "board",
which shall consist of the commissioner of health, the commissioner of
social services, the superintendent of insurance, and the director of
the division of the budget, or their designees, plus two additional
members appointed by the governor and six additional members with
expertise in the delivery of medical care, provision of health and
health related services, health care financing, labor issues, health
consumer affairs, and/or employer issues who shall be appointed as
follows: two members by the temporary president of the senate; two
members by the speaker of the assembly; one member by the minority
leader of the senate and one member by the minority leader of the
assembly. All such appointments shall be made by April first, nineteen
hundred ninety-four. The commissioner of health and the superintendent
of insurance shall serve as co-chairmen of the board.

2. Vacancies to the board shall be filled in the same manner as the
member whose vacancy is being filled was appointed.

3. The members of the board shall receive no compensation for their
services as members, but shall be allowed their actual and necessary
expenses incurred in the performance of their duties.

4. State agencies shall cooperate with the board in implementation of
its functions.

5. The board is hereby authorized and directed to:

(a) review all applications for grants authorized pursuant to section
twenty-eight hundred fourteen of the public health law and advise the
commissioner of health concerning their appropriateness;

(b) review all proposals submitted by applicants funded pursuant to
section twenty-eight hundred fourteen of the public health law to
operate a health network containing a reimbursement component, global
budget, or a health care demonstration;

(c) make recommendations to the commissioner of health for
authorization of such proposals;

(d) make recommendations to the governor and the legislature
concerning the waiver, modification or suspension of the requirements of
any provisions of law or regulation to effectuate any global budget, or
health care demonstration approved pursuant to this chapter and other
changes in the health care delivery system; and

(e) make recommendations to the governor and legislature to promote
the conversion or retraining of hospital employees to other health care
occupations, as may be necessary, as a result of demonstrations proposed
in this chapter.

6. Any proposal to operate a health network, global budget, or a
health care demonstration not recommended for approval by the board
pursuant to this chapter shall not be authorized to operate by the
commissioner of health.

* NB Expired June 30, 1996