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This entry was published on 2024-06-07
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Waterfront Commission Act
Executive (EXC) CHAPTER 18

Section 534. Short title.

534-a. Legislative findings and declarations.

534-b. Definitions.

534-c. New York waterfront commission established.

534-d. General powers of the commission.

534-e. Designation as agent of the state.

534-f. Pier superintendents and hiring agents.

534-g. Stevedores.

534-h. Prohibition of public loading.

534-i. Longshore workers' register.

534-j. List of qualified longshore workers for employment as


534-k. Regularization of longshore workers' employment.

534-l. Suspension or acceptance of applications for inclusion in

the longshore workers' register; exceptions.

534-m. Security officer.

534-n. Hearings, determinations and review.

534-o. Employment information centers.

534-p. Implementation of telecommunications hiring system for

longshore workers and checkers; registration of

telecommunications system controller.

534-q. Construction of act.

534-r. Certain solicitations prohibited; prohibition against the

holding of union position by officers, agents or

employees who have been convicted of certain crimes and


534-s. General violations; prosecutions; penalties.

534-t. Denial of applications.

534-u. Revocation of licenses and registrations.

534-v. Refusal to answer question, immunity; prosecution.

534-w. Annual preparation of a budget request and assessments.

534-x. Payment of assessment.

534-y. Transfer of officers, employees.

534-z. Annual report.

* NB Effective June 30, 2024