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Division of Criminal Justice Services
Executive (EXC) CHAPTER 18

Section 835. Definitions.

836. Division of criminal justice services; commissioner,

organization and employees.

837. Functions, powers and duties of division.

837-a. Additional functions, powers and duties of the


837-b. Duties of courts and peace officers.

837-c. Processing requests submitted by police departments.

837-d. Soft body ballistic armor vests for police officers.

837-e. Statewide central register for missing children.

837-f. Missing and exploited children clearinghouse.

837-f-1. Missing vulnerable adults clearinghouse.

837-f-2. Missing adults.

837-g. Livery vehicle safety training program establishment.

837-h. Livery vehicle safety training program; standards;

eligibility; reports.

837-i. Uniform parking ticket.

837-j. Parking violations enforcement and disposition program.

837-k. Safe house for children.

837-l. Capital prosecution extraordinary assistance program.

837-m. Reporting duties of law enforcement departments with

respect to missing children and vulnerable adults.

837-m*2. Criminal history records search for certain employment,

appointments, licenses or permits in the city of New


837-n. Criminal history information of caregivers;


837-o. Search for arson and sex offense conviction records of

volunteer firefighter applicants.

837-p. Criminal history records search for certain licenses

and registrations in the county of Westchester.

837-q. Payments to Westchester county for policing special


837-r. Office of sex offender management.

837-s. Search for sex offense conviction records of emergency

medical technician and other first responder


837-t. Use of force reporting.

837-u. The division of criminal justice services, in

conjunction with the chief administrator of the

courts, shall collect data and report annually

regarding pretrial release and detention.

837-v. Report of discharge of weapon.

837-v*2. Reporting duties of law enforcement departments with

respect to arrest-related deaths.

837-w. Technological viability of microstamping-enabled


837-w*2. Blue alert system.

837-x. Cooperation with certain out-of-state investigations.

837-x*2. Cooperation with certain out-of-state investigations.

838. Identification of unknown dead and missing persons.

838-a. Maintenance of sexual offense evidence kits.

838-b. Victim's right to notice.

839. Municipal police training council.

840. Functions, powers and duties of council.

841. Functions, powers and duties of the commissioner with

respect to the council.

841-a. Security guard advisory council.

841-b. Functions, powers and duties of council.

841-c. Functions, powers and duties of the commissioner with

respect to the council.

841-d. Saving clause.

842. Council rules and regulations promulgated by governor.

843. Division homepage on the internet.

844-b. New York state committee for the coordination of police

services to elderly persons.

845. Central state registry of police officers and peace


845-a. Presentment of flags lowered to half-staff in memorial

of the death of any police officer or peace officer.

845-b. Requests for criminal history information.

845-c. Criminal history record searches; undisposed cases.

845-d. Criminal record searches: reports for civil purposes.

845-e. Commercial security tax credit program.

846. Programs for the aging.

846*2. Programs for the aging.

847. Public awareness of safe storage of firearms.