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Sanctioning entities
General Business (GBS) CHAPTER 20, ARTICLE 41
§ 1006. Sanctioning entities. 1. The commission shall promulgate
regulations establishing a process by which entities may be recognized
and approved by the commission as authorized sanctioning entities for a
period of time to be established by the commission, during which the
entity will be allowed to oversee and conduct combative sports within
the state of New York. The commission may, in its reasonable discretion,
limit the scope of any recognition and approval of a sanctioning entity
to the oversight and conduct of one or more specific combat disciplines,
amateur or professional combative sports, or to any combination of the
foregoing based on the qualifications, integrity and history of the
entity seeking authorization as a sanctioning entity.

2. The commission shall evaluate factors including but not limited to:

(a) the entity's stated mission and primary purpose;

(b) whether the entity requires participants in combative sports to
use hand, foot and groin protection;

(c) whether the entity has an established set of rules that requires
the immediate termination of any combative sport when any participant
has endured severe punishment or is in danger of suffering serious
physical injury; and

(d) whether the entity has established protocols to effectuate the
appropriate and timely medical treatment of injured persons.