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This entry was published on 2016-09-09
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Regulation of authorized professional combative sports
General Business (GBS) CHAPTER 20, ARTICLE 41
§ 1014. Regulation of authorized professional combative sports. The
commission shall promulgate regulations governing the conduct of
authorized professional combative sports that:

1. establish parameters and limitations on weights and classes of

2. establish parameters and limitations on the number and duration of

3. establish the requirements for the presence of medical equipment,
medical personnel, an ambulance, other emergency apparatus and an
emergency medical plan;

4. establish responsibilities of all licensees before, during and
after an event;

5. define unsportsmanlike practices;

6. establish conditions for the forfeiture of any prize, remuneration
or purse, or any part thereof based on the conduct of professionals,
their managers and seconds;

7. establish parameters and standards for required and allowed
equipment items utilized by professionals;

8. establish parameters and standards for rings, combat surfaces and
appurtenances thereto; and

9. establish such other rules and conditions as are necessary to
effectuate the commission's purpose.