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General Business (GBS) CHAPTER 20, ARTICLE 44
§ 1404. Regulations. 1. The department of health, in consultation with
the department of financial services, shall promulgate rules and
regulations to implement the requirements of this article regarding
surrogacy programs and assisted reproduction service providers in a
manner that ensures the safety and health of gamete providers and
persons serving as surrogates. Such regulations shall:

(a) Require surrogacy programs to monitor compliance with eligibility
criteria for the intended parents and persons acting as surrogates
pursuant to section 581-402 of the family court act; and

(b) Require the assisted reproduction service providers to administer
informed consent procedures that comply with regulations promulgated by
the department of health under section twenty-five hundred
ninety-nine-cc of the public health law.

2. The department of health shall annually report to the legislature
regarding the practices of surrogacy programs and assisted reproduction
service providers and all business transactions related to surrogacy and
gamete provision in New York state, with recommendations for any
necessary amendments to this article.