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This entry was published on 2024-06-28
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Language access
General Business (GBS) CHAPTER 20, ARTICLE 45
* § 1506. Language access. 1. Instructions to parents on how to
provide verifiable parental consent under paragraph (b) of subdivision
one of section fifteen hundred one of this article shall be made
available in no fewer than the twelve most commonly spoken languages in
New York state consistent with section two hundred two-a of the
executive law and as further defined by regulations promulgated by the
attorney general.

2. The attorney general shall ensure that any public information or
guidance that it may provide concerning this chapter is available in the
twelve most commonly spoken languages in New York state consistent with
section two hundred two-a of the executive law and as further defined by
regulations promulgated by the attorney general.

* NB Effective on the 180th day after the office of the attorney
general promulgates rules and regulations necessary (see chapter 120 of
2024 § 5)