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This entry was published on 2024-06-28
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General Business (GBS) CHAPTER 20, ARTICLE 45
* § 1508. Remedies. 1. No earlier than one hundred eighty days after
the effective date of this article, whenever it appears to the attorney
general, either upon complaint or otherwise, that any person, within or
outside the state, has engaged in or is about to engage in any of the
acts or practices stated to be unlawful in this article, the attorney
general may bring an action or special proceeding in the name and on
behalf of the people of the state of New York to enjoin any violation of
this article, to obtain restitution of any moneys or property obtained
directly or indirectly by any such violation, to obtain disgorgement of
any profits or gains obtained directly or indirectly by any such
violation, including but not limited to the destruction of unlawfully
obtained data, to obtain damages caused directly or indirectly by any
such violation, to obtain civil penalties of up to five thousand dollars
per violation, and to obtain any such other and further relief as the
court may deem proper, including preliminary relief.

2. The attorney general shall maintain a website to receive
complaints, information or referrals from members of the public
concerning a covered operator's or social media platform's alleged
compliance or non-compliance with the provisions of this article.

* NB Effective on the 180th day after the office of the attorney
general promulgates rules and regulations necessary (see chapter 120 of
2024 § 5)