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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Retail sale and delivery of certain flammable liquids and kerosene
General Business (GBS) CHAPTER 20, ARTICLE 19
§ 308. Retail sale and delivery of certain flammable liquids and
kerosene. 1. Definition. As used in this section:

"Flammable liquid" shall mean any liquid which has a flash point of
seventy degrees Fahrenheit, or less, as determined by a Tagliabue or
equivalent closed cup test device.

2. a. No person engaged in the retail sale of flammable liquids shall
deliver any such liquids from bulk storage into portable containers of
five gallons capacity or less unless the container is of sound metal or
other unbreakable material construction, has a tight closure with
screwed or spring cover and is fitted with a spout or so designed that
the contents can be poured without spilling.

b. No person shall carry a lighted cigar, cigarette or pipe, nor use a
match or other open flame while he is dispensing flammable liquids at
retail sale from bulk storage.

3. No person engaged in the retail sale of kerosene shall deliver any
such liquid from bulk storage into portable containers of five gallons
capacity or less unless the container is of sound metal or other
unbreakable material construction, has a tight closure with screwed or
spring cover, is fitted with a spout or so designed that the contents
can be poured without spilling, and is clearly and conspicuously labeled
as containing kerosene.

4. The provisions of this section shall not apply to the sale,
purchase or delivery of bona fide commercial packs of household products
sold in the original sealed container as put up for package, sale or
distribution by the manufacturer or packager, including but not limited
to packs of medicinals, beverages or food.

5. The provisions of this section shall not apply in cities having a
population of one million or more.

6. A violation of the provisions of this section shall be subject to a
civil penalty of not more than one hundred dollars for each violation.