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This entry was published on 2023-12-01
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Information concerning services for human trafficking victims in facilities at truck stops
General Business (GBS) CHAPTER 20, ARTICLE 26
§ 390-d. Information concerning services for human trafficking victims
in facilities at truck stops. 1. The operator of any truck stop shall
make available in plain view and in a conspicuous place and manner in
all sanitary facilities available for public use and in any lactation
rooms, informational cards and/or signs developed by:

(a) the office of temporary and disability assistance in consultation
with the New York state interagency task force on human trafficking; or

(b) the United States Department of Homeland Security.

2. All informational cards and signs shall only contain information
concerning services for human trafficking victims and shall prominently
include the national human trafficking hotline telephone number.

3. For purposes of this section, the following terms shall have the
following meanings:

(a) "Truck stop" shall mean a facility that has the capacity to
provide fuel or service, or both, to any commercial motor vehicle as
defined by subdivision four of section five hundred one-a of the vehicle
and traffic law operating in commerce which is located within
twenty-five hundred feet of a controlled-access highway as defined by
section one hundred nine of the vehicle and traffic law which has been
functionally classified by the department of transportation as principal
arterial - interstate or principal arterial - other freeway/expressway
on official functional classification maps approved by the federal
highway administration pursuant to part 470.105 of title 23 of the code
of federal regulations, as amended from time to time.

(b) "Lactation room" shall mean a hygienic place, other than a
restroom, that is: (i) is shielded from view; (ii) is free from
intrusion; (iii) contains a chair, a working surface, and, if the
building is otherwise supplied with electricity, an electrical outlet;
and (iv) intended to be used for the primary purpose of breastfeeding or
expressing breast milk.