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September eleventh victim compensation fund and World Trade Center health program notification
General Business (GBS) CHAPTER 20, ARTICLE 26
§ 399-rr. September eleventh victim compensation fund and World Trade
Center health program notification. 1. Definitions. For the purposes of
this section, the following terms shall have the following meanings:

(a) the "eligible time period" and "notice area" shall be the same as
provided for in the September eleventh victim compensation fund pursuant
to 49 USC 40101 and World Trade Center health program pursuant to 42 USC

(b) the "September eleventh victim compensation fund" shall be the
September eleventh victim compensation fund established under the Air
Transportation Safety and System Stabilization Act (49 USC 40101).

(c) the "World Trade Center health program" shall be the World Trade
Center health program established under 42 USC 300mm.

2. The department of economic development shall, in consultation with
the department of labor and any other appropriate state or municipal
entity, develop rules and regulations necessary to promote awareness and
notification to any past or present businesses and their employees which
operated within the New York city disaster area during the eligible time
period of their potential eligibility under the September eleventh
victim compensation fund and the World Trade Center health program. This
subdivision shall apply to both current and former employees. The
department of economic development shall determine the most appropriate
message and format that the state agencies may use to assist potentially
eligible employers and employees with such awareness or notification.

3. The department of economic development shall be authorized to
consult with the special master of the September eleventh victim
compensation fund and the program administrator of the World Trade
Center health program relating to matters including, but not limited to,
messaging and format to be used in the promotion of the September
eleventh victim compensation fund and the World Trade Center health
program and if the messages should be tailored for the specific
geographic areas covered by the World Trade Center health program in a
different manner than those covered by both the World Trade Center
health program and the September eleventh victim compensation fund.