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This entry was published on 2024-12-27
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Macrocell renewable energy reporting
General Business (GBS) CHAPTER 20, ARTICLE 26
* § 399-yyyy. Macrocell renewable energy reporting. 1. Upon the
twelfth month after the effective date of this section, the wireless
service industry shall collaborate on and issue a white paper reporting
on current and future efforts to pursue renewable energy at macrocell
sites with the report delivered to the governor, the speaker of the
assembly, the temporary president of the senate, and the chair of the
senate energy and telecommunications committee and the assembly
corporations, authorities and commissions committee. The report shall
include, but need not be limited to, consideration of the following

(a) the company's existing and future investments in renewable energy
sources, as corporations generally and at macrocell sites specifically;

(b) the energy demands of existing macrocell sites including any
anticipated increases to demand at such sites;

(c) the benefits and challenges of relying on renewable energy to
provision wireless service;

(d) potential impacts to existing backup power sources; and

(e) estimated costs relating to using renewable energy to power
macrocell sites.

2. For purposes of this section, a "macrocell" is a cell in a mobile
phone network that provides radio coverage served by a high-power cell
site (tower, antenna or mast). The "wireless service industry" shall
include wireless carriers, tower companies, and their trade associations
that offer service to New York state customers.

* NB Effective March 21, 2025

* NB Repealed December 21, 2026