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This entry was published on 2020-06-19
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Domestic violence and sexual assault awareness education
General Business (GBS) CHAPTER 20, ARTICLE 27
§ 408-b. Domestic violence and sexual assault awareness education. The
department shall ensure that domestic violence and sexual assault
awareness education courses are made available to all licensees and
applicants for a license or renewal pursuant to this article and that
such courses are offered through the department's website. The
department, in consultation with the office for the prevention of
domestic violence and advocacy groups recognized by the federal
department of health and human services or the federal department of
justice, which have the ability to coordinate statewide and with local
communities on programming and educational materials related to the
prevention and intervention of domestic violence or sexual assault in
New York state, shall develop and provide access to domestic violence
and sexual assault awareness education courses appropriate for those
licensed under this article.