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This entry was published on 2025-02-21
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Tags on charging cords of micromobility devices, limited use motorcycles, and bicycles with electric assist
General Business (GBS) CHAPTER 20, ARTICLE 28-G
§ 495-b. Tags on charging cords of micromobility devices, limited use
motorcycles, and bicycles with electric assist. 1. No person, firm,
partnership, association, or corporation shall manufacture, distribute,
assemble, recondition, sell or offer for sale at retail any
micromobility device, limited use motorcycles as defined in section one
hundred twenty-one-b of the vehicle and traffic law, or bicycle with
electric assist as defined in section one hundred two-c of the vehicle
and traffic law unless there is a red tag affixed to the charging cord
of such micromobility device, limited use motorcycles as defined in
section one hundred twenty-one-b of the vehicle and traffic law, or
bicycle with electric assist which clearly and conspicuously states
"UNPLUG WHEN NOT IN USE". Such tag shall include additional consumer
safety information regarding safe usage of the product and its charging
equipment and shall be affixed to the cord near the end which is plugged
into the electricity source.

2. The department of state shall promulgate rules and regulations
providing guidance on the consumer safety information required to be on
the tag pursuant to subdivision one of this section.

3. The department of state shall post a model tag containing the
information outlined in subdivision one of this section that persons,
firms, partnerships, associations, and corporations can affix to such
charging cords as outlined in subdivision one of this section.