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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Right of cancellation
General Business (GBS) CHAPTER 20, ARTICLE 31
§ 654. Right of cancellation. 1. The purchaser may cancel a membership
camping contract with or without cause within three business days after
the execution of such contract. Notice of cancellation shall be
delivered by hand or mailed to the address specified in the contract.
Notice of cancellation shall be deemed timely given if postmarked on or
before the third business day following the date of execution.

2. A purchaser may cancel a membership camping contract pursuant to
this section without penalty or obligation and all payments made by the
purchaser prior to cancellation shall be refunded within thirty days
after receipt of the notice of cancellation by the membership campground
operator. Upon cancellation pursuant to this section, all notes,
mortgages, security agreements or other loan documents executed by the
purchaser in connection with the membership camping contract shall be
deemed cancelled without penalty or obligation to the purchaser.