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This entry was published on 2024-12-27
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General Business (GBS) CHAPTER 20, ARTICLE 35-B
* § 741-b. Disclosure. An automobile broker business shall provide a
disclosure at the time such automobile broker business takes an order to
search for a leased vehicle meeting the prospective lessee's
specifications. Such disclosure shall provide the amount of any fees,
commissions or other valuable consideration the automobile broker
business expects to receive, if known, from a dealer, lessor or any
other person or entity for any assistance the automobile broker business
provides in effecting the lease transaction. If the amount of any such
fees, commissions or other valuable consideration the automobile broker
business expects to receive is unknown at the time of the required
disclosure, the automobile broker business shall disclose: (a) whether
it has a contract with any dealer, lessor or any other person or entity
for the provision of assistance in effecting a lease transaction; and
(b) whether the automobile broker business may be compensated by the
dealer, lessor or any other person or entity for any assistance in
effecting such lease transaction.

* NB Effective until June 19, 2025

* § 741-b. Disclosure. An automobile broker business shall provide a
disclosure at the time such automobile broker business takes an order to
search for a leased or purchased vehicle meeting the prospective
lessee's specifications. Such disclosure shall provide the amount of any
fees, commissions or other valuable consideration the automobile broker
business expects to receive, if known, from a dealer, lessor or any
other person or entity for any assistance the automobile broker business
provides in effecting the lease or purchase transaction. If the amount
of any such fees, commissions or other valuable consideration the
automobile broker business expects to receive is unknown at the time of
the required disclosure, the automobile broker business shall disclose:
(a) whether it has a contract with any dealer, lessor or any other
person or entity for the provision of assistance in effecting a lease or
purchase transaction; (b) that the automobile broker business shall be
compensated by the dealer, lessor or any other person or entity for any
assistance in effecting such lease transaction; and (c) that the amount
of any such fees, commissions or other valuable consideration the
automobile broker business receives, whether from the dealer or the
buyer of the automobile, shall be disclosed on the executed lease or
purchase contract or finance agreement pursuant to section three hundred
two or three hundred thirty-seven of the personal property law.

* NB Effective June 19, 2025