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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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License certificates, pocket cards or badges
General Business (GBS) CHAPTER 20, ARTICLE 7
§ 80. License certificates, pocket cards or badges. Upon the issuing
of a license as hereinbefore provided the department of state shall
issue to each person, partner, member of a limited liability company or
officer of a corporation making and filing a statement required by
section seventy-two of this article a pocket card of such size and
design as the department of state may prescribe, which card shall
contain a photograph of the licensee, the name and business address of
the licensee and the imprint or impress of the seal of the department of
state which pocket card shall be evidence of due authorization pursuant
to the terms of this article. All persons to whom such license
certificates or pocket cards shall have been issued shall be responsible
for the safe keeping of the same, and shall not lend, enable, let or
allow any other person to have, hold, use or display such certificate or
pocket card; and any person so parting with such a license certificate
or pocket card or displaying the same without authority, or who shall
display any license certificate or pocket card purporting to authorize
the holder thereof to act as a private investigator, bail enforcement
agent or watch, guard or patrol agency, unless the same shall have been
duly issued pursuant to the provisions of this article, shall be guilty
of a misdemeanor. Failure to comply with the provisions of this section
shall be sufficient cause for revocation of such license, and all such
certificates or pocket cards shall be returned to the department of
state within seventy-two hours after the holder thereof has received
notice in writing of the expiration or revocation of such license. It
shall be unlawful for a holder of a license or anyone else to
distribute, possess, use or display any license certificate, pocket
card, badge, shield or any other indicia of a license status pursuant to
this article except as set forth in this article. Any person who is a
licensee hereunder or an officer or authorized employee of any other
person, firm, limited liability company or corporation, whether or not
licensed hereunder, while performing the services of a watchman, guard
or private patrolman, may wear on his outer clothing a rectangular metal
or woven insignia approved by the department of state, which insignia
shall not be larger than three inches high nor four inches wide with an
inscription thereon containing the word "watchman", "guard", "patrol" or
"special service" and the name of such licensee or employer. It shall be
unlawful for any employer, whether or not licensed hereunder, to wear or
distribute to his, their or its employees any employment identification
except as authorized in this article and approved by the secretary of
state. Any person violating any provision of this section shall be
guilty of a misdemeanor.