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This entry was published on 2024-06-28
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Respecting user-provided age flags
General Business (GBS) CHAPTER 20, ARTICLE 39-FF
* § 899-ii. Respecting user-provided age flags. 1. For the purposes of
this article, an operator shall treat a user as a covered user if the
user's device communicates or signals that the user is or shall be
treated as a minor, including through a browser plug-in or privacy
setting, device setting, or other mechanism that complies with
regulations promulgated by the attorney general.

2. For the purposes of subdivision three of section eight hundred
ninety-nine-ff of this article, an operator shall adhere to any clear
and unambiguous communications or signals from a covered user's device,
including through a browser plug-in or privacy setting, device setting,
or other mechanism, concerning processing that the covered user consents
to or declines to consent to. An operator shall not adhere to unclear or
ambiguous communications or signals from a covered user's device, and
shall instead request informed consent pursuant to the provisions of
paragraph a of subdivision three of section eight hundred ninety-nine-ff
of this article.

* NB Effective June 20, 2025