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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Enforcement of unpaid solid waste collection and/or disposal fee
General Municipal (GMU) CHAPTER 24, ARTICLE 6
§ 120-cc. Enforcement of unpaid solid waste collection and/or disposal
fee. 1. Any municipal corporation may adopt a local law providing that
unpaid fees or charges for municipal or municipally contracted solid
waste collection and/or disposal services be included with the annual
tax levy, together with any interest and penalties thereon.

2. No fees for solid waste collection and/or disposal imposed prior to
the adoption of a local law pursuant to this section may be included in
any annual tax levy.

3. In any year in which such unpaid fees and penalties will be
included in the annual tax levy, the governing board shall cause a
statement to be prepared setting forth each amount of solid waste
disposal and/or collection fees in arrears as of thirty days prior to
the last date prescribed by law for the annexation of the warrant to the
assessment roll, a brief description of the property for which or in
connection with which such solid waste services were provided, and the
name and address of the person or corporation liable to pay such amount.
Such statement shall be presented to the board empowered to levy taxes,
and such board shall levy such amounts remaining unpaid on the date
taxes are levied against the real property for which or in connection
with which such solid waste services were provided.

4. The term "municipal corporation", as used in this section, includes
only a city, village, and a town for town-wide solid waste collection
and/or disposal services.