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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Town and village may establish a joint water district
General Municipal (GMU) CHAPTER 24, ARTICLE 6
§ 120-t. Town and village may establish a joint water district. The
board of trustees of an incorporated village and the town board of a
town may, notwithstanding the provisions of any law, general or special,
upon the adoption of propositions therefor duly submitted in such
village and town, establish a joint water district for such village and
town. Within thirty days after the adoption of such propositions, the
board of trustees of the village and the town board of the town shall,
acting jointly, by a majority vote of each board, adopt a resolution
formally establishing the district. The town clerk shall, within ten
days after the adoption of a resolution formally establishing the
district, cause a certified copy of such resolution to be filed in the
state department of audit and control at Albany, New York. Upon the
establishment of a joint water supply district, it shall be lawful for
the town and village boards to enter into a contract on behalf of such
joint district with any water company, or other party or person, to
supply water for such town and village, for fire, sanitary or other
purposes. Any water company authorized to supply water to such town or
village may enter into such contract and lay its conduits, mains and
distributing lines, and set hydrants as in the contract provided. Such
water company may supply water to any person or corporation residing in
such village and town. The expense of operation of such joint water
district shall be apportioned by the town and village boards in joint
session between the village and the town, based on the assessed
valuation of the real property within said village and town according to
the last preceding assessment roll. The portion thereof to be borne by
the village shall be a village charge and the portion to be borne by the
town shall be a town charge. The portion to be borne by the village
shall be levied and collected by the board of trustees in the same
manner as other village taxes are levied and collected and the portion
to be borne by the town shall be levied and collected by the town board
of the town in the same manner as other town taxes are levied and
collected. Such money when levied and collected shall be kept in
separate funds to be audited and paid by the trustees of the village and
the town board of the town pursuant to the provisions of the contract