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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Community activity by members of a police force
General Municipal (GMU) CHAPTER 24, ARTICLE 10
§ 208-g. Community activity by members of a police force. The
provisions of any general, special or local law or any rule or
regulation to the contrary notwithstanding, including any rule or
regulation of any police department or commissioner or head thereof, any
member of a police force of a municipal corporation, including, the
definition of municipal corporation in this chapter notwithstanding, the
city of New York, may accept any additional place or position in another
adjacent or nearby municipal corporation, including the city of New
York, provided that such additional place or position is limited to
volunteer work as a member or volunteer in, of, or for a community
board, not-for-profit corporation, volunteer fire department, or other
similar community-oriented entity, so long as any such activity shall
occur outside his or her regular hours of duty for not exceeding twenty
hours a week and provided that such extra work does not interfere or
conflict with his or her regular duties as a member of the force or his
or her availability for emergency duty nor affect his or her physical
condition to the extent that it impairs his or her ability to
efficiently perform such duties, and further provided that the type of
activity shall first be approved by the appropriate police department or
police commissioner.