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Provisions relating to a membership date in the New York city police pension fund or the fire department pension fund attributable to ser...
General Municipal (GMU) CHAPTER 24, ARTICLE 10
§ 209-fff. Provisions relating to a membership date in the New York
city police pension fund or the fire department pension fund
attributable to service in the titles of police cadet program and police
cadet program II in the New York city police department cadet program.
1. Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, upon election,
any member of the New York city police pension fund or the New York city
fire department pension fund who is subject to article fourteen of the
retirement and social security law, and who served in the New York city
police department cadet program in the title of police cadet program or
police cadet program II prior to April first, two thousand twelve, but
did not join the New York city employees' retirement system while
serving in either such title, may purchase credit for the period of
service in such titles in the New York city police department cadet
program by paying into the New York city police pension fund or the New
York city fire department pension fund all member contributions plus
interest, at a rate of five percent per annum, which would have been
payable to the New York city employees' retirement system under any
provision of law had such member joined the New York city employees'
retirement system on the earliest date that such member was appointed to
the title of police cadet program or police cadet program II in the New
York city police department cadet program, provided such payment, for
members of the New York city police pension fund, is made within five
years of the effective date of chapter four hundred thirty-one of the
laws of two thousand nineteen. For members of the New York city fire
department pension fund, such payment must be made within five years of
the effective date of the chapter of the laws of two thousand
twenty-four which amended this section.

2. Any member of the New York city police pension fund or the New York
city fire department pension fund who acquires service credit pursuant
to this section shall be entitled to all rights, benefits and privileges
to which such member would have been entitled had such member's
membership in the New York city police pension fund or the New York city
fire department pension fund begun upon the earliest date that such
member was appointed to the title of police cadet program or police
cadet program II in the New York city police department cadet program,
but in no event shall the service credit acquired pursuant to this
section be deemed to be: (a) service in the police force or any other
type of service counted or creditable as service in the police force
under section 13-218 of the administrative code of the city of New York;
(b) service in the fire department of the city of New York or any other
type of service counted or creditable as service in such fire department
under section 13-318 of the administrative code of the city of New York;
or (c) service under section five hundred thirteen of the retirement and
social security law or any other provision of law for purposes of
eligibility for benefits and to determine the amount of benefits under
the New York city police pension fund or the New York city fire
department pension fund.