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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Variances and amendments
General Municipal (GMU) CHAPTER 24, ARTICLE 13-C
§ 283. Variances and amendments. 1. The village board of any village
or the town board of any town in which one or more residential or
residential and recreational areas have been established pursuant to
this article may establish rules, regulations and procedures by or
pursuant to which such board may, consistent with the purposes and
objectives of this article as described in section two hundred eighty
hereof, authorize or permit a necessary or desirable use of land or
prevent unnecessary hardship in an individual or particular instance by
the granting of a proper and appropriate variance from any ordinance or
local law adopted pursuant to the provisions of this article.

2. The village board of any village or the town board of any town in
which a residential or residential and recreational area has been
established pursuant to this article on petition of any person or
corporation aggrieved thereby or of one or more interested persons or
corporations or on its own motion may, after a public hearing held on
notice published and posted as provided in subdivision two of section
two hundred eighty-one of this chapter, amend any ordinance or local law
adopted pursuant to this article which prohibits, restricts, regulates,
controls and limits the use of buildings, structures or land within such

3. Each such amendment shall be entered, published and posted, shall
become effective and shall be reviewable by a proceeding under article
seventy-eight of the civil practice law and rules as provided in section
two hundred eighty-two of this chapter.