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This entry was published on 2024-12-27
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Municipal websites
General Municipal (GMU) CHAPTER 24, ARTICLE 13-E
* § 300. Municipal websites. 1. All municipal corporations shall
maintain an official website with a ".gov" domain name that is
accessible to the public and update such website regularly. The official
website shall contain basic information on the municipality including
but not limited to hours of operations, elected officials and services
provided. The website shall contain a privacy policy that is prominently
posted and written in plain language that informs website visitors of
any personal information that is being collected and how it is being

2. Municipal websites shall, at a minimum, contain the following

a. all documents required by subdivision seven of section thirty of
this chapter;

b. notice of all municipal elections, public hearings and public
meetings including regular board or legislative meetings;

c. agenda and minutes of municipal meetings as required by article
seven of the public officers law; and

d. an up to date version of, or an active hyperlink to, the
municipality's codes or local laws and resolutions.

* NB Effective June 19, 2025