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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Examination of books and records; examination of managers, etc
General Municipal (GMU) CHAPTER 24, ARTICLE 14-H
§ 492. Examination of books and records; examination of managers,
etc.; disclosure of information. The governing body of the municipality
and the control commission shall have power to examine or cause to be
examined the books and records of

1. Any authorized organization which is or has been licensed to
conduct bingo, so far as they may relate to bingo including the
maintenance, control and disposition of net proceeds derived from bingo
or from the use of its premises for bingo, and to examine any manager,
officer, director, agent, member or employee thereof under oath in
relation to the conduct of any such game under any such license, the use
of its premises for bingo, or the disposition of net proceeds derived
from bingo, as the case may be.

2. Any licensed authorized commercial lessor so far as they may relate
to leasing premises for bingo and to examine said lessor or any manager,
officer, director, agent or employee thereof under oath in relation to
such leasing.

Any information so received shall not be disclosed except so far as
may be necessary for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this
article, and article nineteen-B of the executive law.