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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Authority of agency; other terms and contracts
General Municipal (GMU) CHAPTER 24, ARTICLE 15-A
§ 558. Authority of agency; other terms and contracts. 1. An agency
is authorized to enter into agreement with the state to receive such
state capital grants to assist such agency to establish and carry out
one or more programs of urban renewal.

2. In every contract for a capital grant by the state, the acts
constituting a substantial breach of the provisions set forth therein
shall be defined in such terms as the commissioner shall deem to be in
the public interest and as are consistent with the provisions of this
article and the purposes of the program for which such aid is sought.

3. Every such contract may contain such other terms, covenants and
conditions as shall be agreed upon and as are consistent with the
provisions of this article and the purposes of the urban renewal