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This entry was published on 2021-08-13
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Payment of judgments against municipal corporation
General Municipal (GMU) CHAPTER 24, ARTICLE 5
§ 70. Payment of judgments against municipal corporation. When a final
judgment for a sum of money shall be recovered against a municipal
corporation, and the execution thereof shall not be stayed pursuant to
law, or the time for such stay shall have expired, the treasurer or
other financial officer of such corporation having sufficient moneys in
his or her hands belonging to the corporation not otherwise specifically
appropriated, shall pay such judgment upon the production of a certified
copy of the docket thereof. Notwithstanding the provisions of any other
law to the contrary, in any case where payment for any reason is to be
made to an incarcerated individual serving a sentence of imprisonment
with the state department of corrections and community supervision or to
a prisoner confined at a local correctional facility, the treasurer or
other financial officer shall give written notice, if required pursuant
to subdivision two of section six hundred thirty-two-a of the executive
law, to the office of victim services that such payment shall be made
thirty days after the date of such notice.