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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Liability for expenses incurred in enforcing lawful required payment of moneys to state agencies
General Municipal (GMU) CHAPTER 24, ARTICLE 5
§ 70-a. Liability for expenses incurred in enforcing lawful required
payment of moneys to state agencies. Notwithstanding any inconsistent
provision of this chapter or of any law, general, special or local,
whenever any municipal corporation is required by law to provide and pay
any moneys to a corporate or other agency or instrumentality of the
state for a public purpose, any reasonable expenses necessarily incurred
by such an agency or instrumentality in compelling or enforcing by
judicial proceeding payment to it of such moneys shall be a charge
against such municipal corporation and such municipal corporation shall
be liable therefor and shall pay the amount thereof upon certification
and approval by the attorney-general, to such agency or instrumentality,
provided vouchers therefor, properly certified and approved as required
by this section, shall be presented to and filed with the chief fiscal
officer of the municipal corporation within six months after final
determination of such judicial proceedings in the case of any such
expenses hereafter incurred, and in the case of any such expenses
heretofore incurred within six months after this section as hereby added
takes effect. The provisions of this section shall apply to and in the
case of such expenses heretofore incurred subsequent to January first,
nineteen hundred thirty-two, by such a state agency or instrumentality.