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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Election and appointment of officials
General Municipal (GMU) CHAPTER 24, ARTICLE 17-A, TITLE 2
§ 766. Election and appointment of officials. New officials of the
consolidated local government entity required to be elected shall take
office on the first Monday of January following the election designated
in the joint consolidation agreement or elector initiated consolidation
plan, as the case may be. At such election, the necessary officials of
the consolidated local government entity shall be elected in accordance
with the terms of the general law affecting entities of the kind or
class of the consolidated local government entity. Except as otherwise
specified in the joint consolidation agreement or elector initiated
consolidation plan, all appointive officials of the consolidated local
government entity thereafter shall be appointed by the individual or
entity upon whom the power to appoint such officials is conferred by the
terms of the general law affecting entities of the kind or class of the
consolidated local government entity. Successors in office for such
elected or appointed positions shall thereafter be elected or appointed
at the time, in the manner and for the terms provided by the general law
affecting entities of the kind or class of the consolidated local
government entity.