Sports field fence leases in the town of New Castle, Westchester county
General Municipal (GMU) CHAPTER 24, ARTICLE 5
§ 77-h. Sports field fence leases in the town of New Castle,
Westchester county. Notwithstanding any provision of any general,
special or local law or of any charter to the contrary, the town of New
Castle, in the county of Westchester, may lease any and all sports field
fences at Gedney park, Millwood park and the Recreation Field annually,
at a nominal rent, to a not-for-profit corporation or organization,
organized under the laws of the state of New York for the purpose of
permitting the sale of advertising, with the revenues to be used solely
for the care of said parks and field in the town of New Castle,
Westchester county.
Westchester county. Notwithstanding any provision of any general,
special or local law or of any charter to the contrary, the town of New
Castle, in the county of Westchester, may lease any and all sports field
fences at Gedney park, Millwood park and the Recreation Field annually,
at a nominal rent, to a not-for-profit corporation or organization,
organized under the laws of the state of New York for the purpose of
permitting the sale of advertising, with the revenues to be used solely
for the care of said parks and field in the town of New Castle,
Westchester county.