Designation of municipal theme districts
General Municipal (GMU) CHAPTER 24, ARTICLE 19-B
ยง 990-d. Designation of municipal theme districts. Upon the
application of a resident or business owner within a proposed theme
district, any county, city, town or village may by resolution or local
law designate a theme district for the purpose of promoting, advancing
or coordinating an approved theme pursuant to section nine hundred
ninety-c of this article. An application for such designation shall
specify the geography to be contained within such district, the number
of parcels contained within such district, the common theme of art,
entertainment, education, culture or business sought to be promoted,
advanced or coordinated by the district and the municipal theme district
development plan that will be implemented and administered by the theme
district board.
application of a resident or business owner within a proposed theme
district, any county, city, town or village may by resolution or local
law designate a theme district for the purpose of promoting, advancing
or coordinating an approved theme pursuant to section nine hundred
ninety-c of this article. An application for such designation shall
specify the geography to be contained within such district, the number
of parcels contained within such district, the common theme of art,
entertainment, education, culture or business sought to be promoted,
advanced or coordinated by the district and the municipal theme district
development plan that will be implemented and administered by the theme
district board.