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Purposes of the authority
Public Authorities (PBA) CHAPTER 43-A, ARTICLE 8, TITLE 8, SUBTITLE 1
§ 1803. Purposes of the authority. The purposes of the authority shall

1. To assist, promote, encourage, develop and advance the general
prosperity and economic welfare of the people of the state and to
improve their standard of living.

2. To improve employment opportunities in any area of the state by
assisting in financing of:

(a) the cost of projects for the construction, acquisition,
rehabilitation or improvement of any new, existing or former (i)
industrial or manufacturing plant, (ii) building used for research and
development, or (iii) other eligible business facility within the state,
including the acquisition of real property therefor, by means of loans
to non-profit local development corporations not to exceed forty percent
of the cost of such project, the repayment of which shall be secured by
a mortgage which shall not be a junior encumbrance thereon by more than
fifty percent of such cost, and by means of the guarantees of the loans
made by banking organizations which guaranty shall not exceed eighty
percent of the cost of the project, provided, however, that such loans
may be in excess of forty percent but shall not exceed sixty percent of
the cost of such project for loans in economically distressed areas and
to companies in need of special assistance pursuant to the provisions of
subdivision seven of section eighteen hundred twenty-three of this

(b) the purchase of machinery and equipment for use within the state,
by means of loans to non-profit local development corporations not to
exceed forty percent of the cost of such purchase which shall be secured
by a security interest in such project, and by means of the guarantee of
loans made by banking organizations which guaranty shall not exceed
eighty percent of the cost of the project, provided, however, that such
loans may be in excess of forty percent but shall not exceed sixty
percent of the cost of such project for loans in economically distressed
areas and to companies in need of special assistance pursuant to the
provisions of subdivision seven of section eighteen hundred twenty-three
of this chapter.

3. To advance the development of industrial, manufacturing, research
and development, or other eligible business enterprises throughout the
state, including those defined as small business concerns under the act
of congress entitled "Small Business Investment Act of 1958".

4. To assist in financing the cost of projects for the construction,
acquisition, rehabilitation or improvement of pollution control
facilities, by means of loans of pollution control funds to non-profit
local development corporations not to exceed ninety percent of the cost
of any such project.

In carrying out the purposes of this section and in exercising the
powers granted under this act, the authority shall be regarded as
performing an essential governmental function.