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Applications for loans and for loan guarantees
Public Authorities (PBA) CHAPTER 43-A, ARTICLE 8, TITLE 8, SUBTITLE 4
§ 1824. Applications for loans and for loan guarantees. a. A local
development corporation may request a loan from the authority pursuant
to the provisions of this title by filing an application therefor, which
shall be verified by an officer of the corporation duly authorized so to
do, in such form and with such exhibits and supporting data as the
authority may prescribe and by paying the fees or charges, if any,
established by the authority to defray the cost of investigating and
processing applications for loans and to the extent that the application
contains information or representations provided to or made to the
corporation by the project occupant or by a business enterprise
described in section eighteen hundred twenty-seven of this title, such
officer, in such application, shall, in a form to be prescribed by the
authority, certify the nature of the corporation's review of such
information and representations.

b. A banking organization may request a loan guarantee from the
authority pursuant to the provisions of this title by filing an
application therefor, which shall be verified by an officer of the
banking organization duly authorized to do so, in such form and with
such exhibits and supporting data as the authority may prescribe and by
paying the fees or charges, if any, established by the authority to
defray the cost of investigating and processing applications for loan