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This entry was published on 2023-12-29
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Public Authorities (PBA) CHAPTER 43-A, ARTICLE 8, TITLE 9-C
* § 1914. Reporting. 1. Effective April first, two thousand
twenty-four, the authority shall issue an annual report regarding the
effectiveness of the program and providing recommendations for
improvements to the program. Such report shall include:

(a) the number and identity of communities and local governments
reached through the comprehensive education, engagement and outreach

(b) the number of regional discussion forums held for communities and
developers, and identification of attendees and description of outcomes;

(c) the number, description and status of renewable energy planning
tools and resources developed, including the clean energy development
mapping tool;

(d) the number and identity of local governments receiving technical
assistance and training on the clean energy mapping tool and other

(e) the number of service providers and contracts awarded;

(f) the amount of funds invested in the clean energy outreach and
community planning program; and

(g) any additional information relevant to assessing program

2. The authority shall submit such report to the governor, the
temporary president of the senate, and the speaker of the assembly. A
copy of the report shall also be posted on the authority's website.

* NB Repealed December 31, 2031