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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Equal opportunity
Public Authorities (PBA) CHAPTER 43-A, ARTICLE 8, TITLE 11
§ 1967-a. Equal opportunity. 1. The authority shall ensure that all
employees and applicants for employment are afforded equal employment
opportunity without discrimination.

2. Except as is otherwise provided by collective bargaining contracts
or agreements, new employment opportunities created as a result of
projects of the agency shall be listed with the New York State
Department of Labor Community Services Division, and with the
administrative entity of the service delivery area created by the
federal job training partnership act (P.L. No. 97-300) in which the
project is located. Except as is otherwise provided by collective
bargaining contracts or agreements, sponsors of projects shall agree,
where practicable, to first consider persons eligible to participate in
federal job training partnership (P.L. No. 97-300) programs who shall be
referred by administrative entities of service delivery areas created
pursuant to such act or by community services division of the department
of labor for such new employment opportunities.