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This entry was published on 2022-12-16
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Public Authorities (PBA) CHAPTER 43-A, ARTICLE 8, TITLE 12
§ 1974-d. Contracts. In connection with development, construction,
operations and maintenance contracts for projects of the authority,
minority and women-owned business enterprises and minority group members
and women shall be given the opportunity for meaningful participation.
The authority shall establish measures and procedures to secure
meaningful participation by minority and women-owned business
enterprises on contracts for projects of the authority. Such measures
and procedures shall also promote the employment of minority group
members and women on such contracts. For the purposes thereof, "minority
business enterprise" shall mean any business enterprise which is at
least fifty-one per centum owned by, or in the case of a publicly owned
business, at least fifty-one per centum of the stock of which is owned
by citizens or permanent resident noncitizens who are Black, Hispanic,
Asian or American Indian, and such ownership interest is real,
substantial and continuing and "women-owned business enterprise" shall
mean any business enterprise which is at least fifty-one per centum
owned by, or in the case of a publicly owned business, at least
fifty-one percent of the stock of which is owned by citizens or
permanent resident noncitizens who are women and such ownership interest
is real, substantial and continuing. The provisions of this section
shall not be construed to limit the ability of any minority or
women-owned business enterprise to bid on any contract. In order to
implement the requirements and objectives of this section in connection
with such projects, the authority shall be responsible for monitoring
compliance with the provisions hereof, providing advice on the
availability of competitive qualified minority and women-owned business
enterprises to perform contracts proposed to be awarded, and making
recommendations to improve the access of minority and women-owned
business enterprises to these contracts.