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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Annual report
Public Authorities (PBA) CHAPTER 43-A, ARTICLE 8, TITLE 17, PART 1
§ 2419. Annual report. The agency shall submit to the governor, the
chairman of the senate finance committee, the chairman of the assembly
ways and means committee, the comptroller and the director of the budget
within six months after the end of its fiscal year, a complete and
detailed report setting forth: (1) its operations and accomplishments;
(2) its receipts and expenditures during such fiscal year in accordance
with the categories or classifications established by the agency for its
operating and capital outlay purposes, including a listing of all
private consultants engaged by the agency on a contract basis and a
statement of the total amount paid to each such private consultant; (3)
its assets and liabilities at the end of its fiscal year, including a
schedule of its mortgages and the status of reserve, special or other
funds; (4) a schedule of its bonds and notes outstanding at the end of
its fiscal year, together with a statement of the amounts redeemed and
incurred during such fiscal year; (5) a schedule of mortgages which have
been insured during such year and mortgages for which there exists an
outstanding commitment to insure and the status of the mortgage
insurance fund and other funds established by the corporation; and with
respect to the agency's fiscal years ending after nineteen hundred
eighty-five; (6) a breakdown by region (as defined in subdivision nine
of section two thousand four hundred twenty-six of this title) of the
average income of recipients of SONYMA mortgage loans for such fiscal
year, stated separately for SONYMA's tax exempt and blended program and
SONYMA's taxable program; (7) a breakdown by region of the income
distribution of recipients of SONYMA mortgage loans for such fiscal
year, stated separately for SONYMA's tax exempt and blended program and
SONYMA's taxable program; and (8) a breakdown by region of the average
purchase price of structures acquired with SONYMA mortgage loans for
such fiscal year, stated separately for SONYMA's tax exempt and blended
program and SONYMA's taxable program. With respect to the schedule
mentioned in item five hereof, such schedule shall be submitted within
ninety days after the end of its fiscal year and shall be submitted to
the temporary president of the senate and speaker of the assembly in
addition to the aforementioned officers.