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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Public Authorities (PBA) CHAPTER 43-A, ARTICLE 8, TITLE 27
§ 2566. Appropriations. 1. To assure the continued operation and
solvency of the corporation for the carrying out of the public purposes
of this act, there may be, notwithstanding any provision of law to the
contrary, annually apportioned and paid to the corporation such sum, if
any, as shall be appropriated in the first instance by the state as
necessary to enable the corporation to meet all items of expense,
including proper maintenance of the convention center, that are approved
by the director of the budget to be incurred by the corporation in the
next succeeding state fiscal year. The chairman of the corporation shall
annually, on or before September fifteenth, make and deliver to the
governor and the director of the budget for their approval and for
submission to the legislature a budget request for the operations of the
corporation. The request shall delineate the total amount needed for
corporate purposes, the source and amount of other funds that the
corporation expects to receive, and such other information as the
director of the budget shall require. The sum or sums appropriated in
the first instance, or so much thereof as shall be necessary, shall be
apportioned and paid to the corporation during the course of the fiscal
year as needed.

2. Notwithstanding the provisions of any general or special law, no
part of such appropriation shall be available for the purposes
designated until a certificate of approval of availability shall have
been issued by the director of the budget and a copy of such certificate
filed with the state comptroller, the chairman of the senate finance
committee and the chairman of the assembly ways and means committee.
Such certificate may be amended from time to time, subject to the
approval of the director of the budget, and a copy of each such
amendment shall be filed with the state comptroller, the chairman of the
senate finance committee and the chairman of the assembly ways and means

3. The director of the budget shall not issue any certificate of
approval of availability until the corporation has entered into a
written agreement with the director of the budget providing for
repayment by such corporation to the state of an amount equal to the
total amount expended by the state from such appropriation, on terms to
be determined by the director of the budget, and a copy of such
agreement shall be filed with the state comptroller, the chairman of the
senate finance committee and the chairman of the assembly ways and means
committee. Notwithstanding the provisions of section forty-a of the
state finance law and any other general or special law, such written
agreement shall require repayment only to the extent that moneys are
available from the convention center operating corporation fund
established in accordance with section twenty-five hundred sixty-nine of
this title.