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This entry was published on 2024-07-05
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Statement of legislative findings and purpose
Public Authorities (PBA) CHAPTER 43-A, ARTICLE 8, TITLE 28-C
§ 2676-a. Statement of legislative findings and purpose. The
legislature hereby finds and declares as follows:

1. The economic well-being of the county and the general welfare of
its people require adequate, and accessible performing arts centers,
athletic fields, educational facilities, and residential facilities.

2. The preservation and safeguarding of facilities at risk of being
underutilized and becoming blighted is a matter of vital importance not
only to the residents of the capital district but to all the state's
residents and is, therefore, a matter of state concern.

3. In order to ensure a healthy economy for such area and to promote
the general welfare of its residents, it is necessary to maintain and
improve the college of Saint Rose facilities and services in the county
of Albany in such a manner as to stimulate and promote a healthy

4. The general health and welfare of the state's residents requires
coordinated operation of the college of Saint Rose facilities and
services in the county of Albany by a public benefit authority.

5. The purposes of such authority shall be: (a) to promote accessible,
efficient and economically productive use of the facilities; (b) to
acquire, construct, reconstruct, continue, develop, equip, expand,
improve, maintain, finance, and operate the college of Saint Rose
facilities and services within the county of Albany; (c) to stimulate
and promote economic development; and (d) to make contracts and leases
and to execute all instruments necessary or convenient for its corporate

6. Such purposes are in all respects public purposes for the benefit
of the people of the state of New York and for which public funds may be
expended and both the county and the authority in carrying out their
respective powers and duties under this title shall be deemed to be
acting in a governmental capacity. The acquisition, construction,
reconstruction, development, expansion, improvement, equipping,
operation and maintenance of any project financed or undertaken by the
authority or the county shall be deemed to be the performance of an
essential governmental function by the authority or the county acting in
its governmental capacity, whether such project shall be owned or
operated by the authority or by any person or public corporation.

7. It is hereby found and declared that it has been and remains the
policy of the state of New York to promote equal opportunity in
employment for all persons, without discrimination on account of race,
creed, color, national origin, sex, age, disability or marital status,
to promote equality of economic opportunity for minority group members
and women, and minority and women-owned business enterprises.