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Albany county pine hills land authority
Public Authorities (PBA) CHAPTER 43-A, ARTICLE 8, TITLE 28-C
§ 2676-c. Albany county pine hills land authority. 1. There is hereby
created the Albany county pine hills land authority. The authority shall
be a body corporate and politic constituting a public benefit
corporation. The authority shall consist of seven members who shall be
residents of the county of Albany. Such members shall be appointed in
the following manner: four shall be appointed by the county executive,
two shall be appointed by the chairperson of the county legislature, and
one shall be appointed by the mayor of the city of Albany. Of the
members of the authority initially appointed by the county executive,
two shall serve for a term ending December thirty-first, two thousand
twenty-eight and two shall serve for a term ending December
thirty-first, two thousand twenty-nine. Of the members of the authority
initially appointed by the chairperson of the county legislature, one
shall serve for a term ending December thirty-first, two thousand
twenty-eight and one shall serve for a term ending December
thirty-first, two thousand twenty-nine. The member of the authority
initially appointed by the mayor of the city of Albany shall serve for a
term ending December thirty-first, two thousand twenty-eight.
Thereafter, each member of the authority shall serve a term of four
years. The members of the authority, once appointed, shall designate one
of the seven members of the authority to serve as the chairperson of the
authority. The authority may provide for such officers as may be
determined necessary and the same need not be members of the authority.

2. All members of the authority shall continue to hold office until
their successors are appointed and qualify. Except as otherwise provided
in subdivision three of this section, vacancies of members of the
authority shall be filled in the manner provided for original
appointment. Such vacancies, occurring otherwise than by expiration of
term of office, shall be filled for the unexpired terms. Members of the
authority may be removed from office for the same reasons and in the
same manner as may be provided by law for the removal of officers of the
county. The members of the authority shall receive no compensation for
their services but shall be reimbursed for all their actual and
necessary expenses incurred in connection with the carrying out of the
purposes of this title. The powers as set forth in the by-laws of the
authority shall be established and vested in and be exercised by the
members of the authority at an initial meeting duly called and held and
four members of the authority shall constitute a quorum. No action shall
be taken at the initial meeting of the authority or any adjournment
thereof except pursuant to the favorable vote of at least four members
of the authority. Any amendment to the powers of the authority as set
forth in the by-laws of the authority shall only become effective upon
the favorable vote of at least four members of the authority.

3. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of any general, special
or local law, ordinance, resolution or charter, no officer, member, or
employee of the state or of any public corporation shall forfeit such
officer's, member's, or employee's office or employment by reason of
such officers', member's, or employee's acceptance of appointment as a
member, officer, or employee of the authority, nor shall service as such
member, officer, or employee be deemed incompatible or in conflict with
such office, membership, or employment.

4. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of any general, special
or local law, ordinance, resolution, or charter, no officer, member,
elected official or employee of the county of Albany or the city of
Albany shall be eligible to serve as a member of the authority.

5. All members of the authority shall be required to comply with the
Albany county code of ethics and to complete all disclosure forms
required by such code of ethics.

6. The authority and its corporate existence shall continue until
terminated by law, provided, however, that no such termination shall
take effect so long as the authority shall have bonds or other
obligations outstanding unless adequate provision has been made for the
payment or satisfaction thereof. Upon termination of the existence of
the authority, all of the rights and properties of the authority then
remaining shall pass to and vest in the county of Albany in such a
manner as prescribed by law.