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This entry was published on 2019-12-20
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Annual budget and report
Public Authorities (PBA) CHAPTER 43-A, ARTICLE 8, TITLE 35
§ 2799-iiii. Annual budget and report. 1. On or before September
fifteenth, nineteen hundred eighty-four and on each September fifteenth
thereafter, the chair of the corporation shall make and deliver to the
director of the budget for his or her review a proposed budget for the
operation of the corporation for the next fiscal year of the state. The
chair of the corporation shall also deliver a copy of such budget to the
chair of the senate finance committee and the chair of the assembly ways
and means committee at the same time that the budget is delivered to the
director of the budget. The budget shall include the total amount needed
for corporate purposes, including the funds required by the corporation
for operation of Roosevelt Island facilities and improvements, the
source of all funds that the corporation expects to receive and such
other information as the director of the budget shall require. The
governor shall recommend in his or her annual budget such appropriations
to the corporation for its operations as he or she deems necessary.

2. The corporation shall submit to the director of the budget, chair
of the senate finance committee and the chair of the assembly ways and
means committee, within ninety days after the end of its fiscal year, a
complete and detailed report setting forth (a) its operations and
accomplishments, and (b) its receipts and expenditures during such
fiscal year in accordance with categories and classifications
established by the corporation, with the approval of the director of the
budget, for its operating and capital outlay purposes.