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Assistance to the authority; employees of the authority
Public Authorities (PBA) CHAPTER 43-A, ARTICLE 8, TITLE 33
§ 2799-pp. Assistance to the authority; employees of the authority.
1. With the consent of any public corporation, the authority may use
agents, employees and facilities thereof, paying to such public
corporation its agreed proportion of the compensation or costs.

2. Officers and employees of city agencies may be transferred to the
authority and officers and employees of the authority may be transferred
to appropriate city agencies without examination and without loss of any
civil service or retirement status or rights. Any officer or employee of
the authority who heretofore acquired or shall hereafter acquire such
position status by transfer and who at the time of such transfer was a
member of the New York city employees' retirement system shall continue
to be a member of such system as long as he or she continues in such
service, and shall continue to have all the rights, privileges and
obligations of membership in such system. Employment by the authority
shall constitute city-service for the purposes of chapter one of title
thirteen of the administrative code of the city of New York. Transfers
shall be in accordance with section seventy of the civil service law and
the rules of the civil service commission of the city. No such transfer
shall be made except with the approval of the head of the agency
involved and the chairperson of the authority and in compliance with
applicable collective bargaining agreements and the rules and
regulations of the civil service commission of the city.

3. A transferred employee shall remain in the same collective
bargaining unit as was the case prior to his or her transfer, consistent
with the provisions of article fourteen of the civil service law and the
collective bargaining law of the city.

4. Nothing in this section shall be construed to affect the rights of
employees pursuant to a collective bargaining agreement.

5. Employees newly appointed by the authority to a same or similar
position or title as those represented by public employee organizations
subject to the New York city collective bargaining law shall be placed
in the same collective bargaining unit as such same or similar position
or title and shall be represented by the duly certified employee
organization representing that unit.

6. The commissioner of labor relations of the city shall be the
authority's representative for purposes of the New York city collective
bargaining law.

7. Employees of the authority shall be subject to chapter sixty-eight
of the New York city charter, as amended from time to time.