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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Personnel reports by state and local authorities and public benefit corporations
Public Authorities (PBA) CHAPTER 43-A, ARTICLE 9, TITLE 1
§ 2806. Personnel reports by state and local authorities and public
benefit corporations. 1. Every state and local authority and public
benefit corporation shall submit to the comptroller, the director of the
budget, the chairpersons of the legislative fiscal committees and the
authorities budget office, for their information, annually, on or before
the fifteenth day of January of each calendar year, personnel
information setting forth personal service schedules by subsidiary,
division and unit which indicate position, grade, salary and title for
each employee and in summary form.

2. If any state or local authority has provided the information
required by this section in the annual report required under section
twenty-eight hundred of this title, such authority may comply with the
provisions of this section by references to such information with any
necessary updates.