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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Senate confirmation of certain chief executive officers
Public Authorities (PBA) CHAPTER 43-A, ARTICLE 9, TITLE 3
§ 2852. Senate confirmation of certain chief executive officers. Where
the appointment of any chief executive officer is subject to
confirmation by the senate pursuant to subdivision five of section
sixteen hundred seventy-eight of this chapter, subdivision six of
section three hundred fifty-four of this chapter, section one thousand
four of this chapter, or subdivision (c) of section one thousand
twenty-f of this chapter the senate shall vote to confirm any such
appointment within sixty days of its submission to the senate during
session, or if such submission is made when the senate is not in
session, within seven days of the convening for session. If the senate
fails to vote to confirm any such appointment within the time prescribed
in this section, such appointment shall be deemed confirmed without any
further action by the senate.