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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Nuisances; abatement by local boards of health
Public Health (PBH) CHAPTER 45, ARTICLE 13, TITLE 1
§ 1305. Nuisances; abatement by local boards of health. 1. The
owners, agents and occupants of any premises shall permit sanitary
examinations and inspections to be made pursuant to the provisions of
this article.

2. If the owner or occupant of any premises whereon any nuisance or
condition deemed to be detrimental to the public health exists or the
cause of the existence elsewhere, fails to comply with any order or
regulation of any local board or health officer having the power of a
local board of health for the suppression and removal of any such
nuisance or other matter, in the judgment of the board or health officer
detrimental to the public health, made, served or posted as required in
this article, such board or its agents or employees may enter upon the
premises to which such order or regulation relates, and suppress or
remove such nuisance or other matter.