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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Removal of canine wastes in cities with a population of four hundred thousand or more persons and in the cities of Yonkers and Albany
Public Health (PBH) CHAPTER 45, ARTICLE 13, TITLE 1
§ 1310. Removal of canine wastes in cities with a population of four
hundred thousand or more persons and in the cities of Yonkers and
Albany. Notwithstanding any contrary provision of law, rule or
regulation, in cities with a population of four hundred thousand or more
persons and in the cities of Yonkers and Albany, it shall be the duty of
each dog owner or person having possession, custody or control of a dog
to remove any feces left by his or her dog on any sidewalk, gutter,
street or other public area. Any violation of this section shall
constitute a violation punishable by a fine or a civil penalty of not
more than two hundred fifty dollars. For the purposes of enforcing the
provisions of this section, appearance tickets may be issued by
sanitation officers, dog enumerators, or wardens and by any persons
authorized to issue tickets for parking violations. Notwithstanding any
other provision of law to the contrary, in the city of New York, such
appearance tickets may be returnable to the environmental control board
which shall have the power to impose the civil penalties herein
provided. The provisions of this section shall not apply to a guide dog,
hearing dog or service dog accompanying any person with a disability, as
defined in subdivision twenty-one of section two hundred ninety-two of
the executive law.