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This entry was published on 2015-03-27
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Hand washing facilities at certain public establishments featuring animals
Public Health (PBH) CHAPTER 45, ARTICLE 13, TITLE 1
§ 1311. Hand washing facilities at certain public establishments
featuring animals. 1. All public establishments including, but not
limited to, carnivals, fairs and amusement parks, as such terms are
defined in section eight hundred seventy-c of the labor law, farms, and
farmers' markets, as such term is defined in section two hundred sixty
of the agriculture and markets law, which feature displays of live
animals that patrons may reasonably be expected to come into physical
contact with for the purpose of touching, holding or petting shall
provide hand washing or hand cleansing facilities for such patrons. Hand
washing or hand cleansing facilities may be temporary or permanent
fixtures and shall include one or more of the following: soap and
running water; anti-bacterial fluids, foams or gels; or anti-bacterial
or antiseptic wipes or towels.

2. Signs shall be conspicuously posted and shall state in a clear and
legible typeface, the following: "Animals may carry germs and bacteria
that can cause disease to people. It is strongly recommended that
persons wash or cleanse their hands after touching, holding or petting
the animals." Such signs shall also indicate where the hand washing or
hand cleansing facility is located.

3. The commissioner may make rules guarding against the spread of
bacteria and viruses at public establishments that feature animals as
provided in subdivision one of this section, to persons employed at or
to patrons of such establishments where such establishments are located
outside the city of New York, and where such establishments are located
within the city of New York, the commissioner of public health of the
city of New York may make and enforce such rules.