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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Hotel sanitation; bedding; sheets, towels, drinking glasses, silverware and flatware
Public Health (PBH) CHAPTER 45, ARTICLE 13, TITLE 7
§ 1346. Hotel sanitation; bedding; sheets, towels, drinking glasses,
silverware and flatware. 1. Every hotel shall furnish each guest with
clean linen or cotton individual towels in each room occupied by such
guest, and also in the public lavatories and washrooms of such hotel,
and with clean sheets and pillow slips for the bed, bunk, or cot to be
occupied by such guest.

2. Every hotel that furnishes drinking glasses, silverware or flatware
in individual rooms shall provide that such items are fully sanitized
using proper techniques as provided for by the department.

3. Each sheet shall be ninety-one inches long, minimum length after
being hemmed and laundered, and of sufficient width to completely cover
the mattress and springs, and all sheets and pillow slips after being
used by one guest must be washed, ironed and dried before being
furnished to another guest.

4. Nothing in this section shall prevent local municipalities from
enacting stricter laws, rules or regulations.