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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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State aid
Public Health (PBH) CHAPTER 45, ARTICLE 13, TITLE 11
§ 1381. State aid. 1. The commissioner may in the name of the state
make or contract to make, within the limitation of the appropriations
therefor, a state grant for payment to any municipality or to two or
more municipalities jointly of not more than fifty per cent of the
entire cost of the preparation of detailed plans, including
consideration of recycling technology, ultimate land use, and
environmental impact, for the construction of new solid waste management
facilities or the improvement of existing solid waste management
facilities, as determined and approved by the commissioner.

2. Payments authorized pursuant to this title shall be made in two
apportionments, as follows:

(a) the first payment, not to exceed fifty per cent of the total
grant, shall be payable when acceptable detailed plans are approved by
the commissioner, and

(b) the balance of the grant shall be payable when construction
contracts are awarded, or when construction begins, whichever occurs